Monday, November 06, 2006

I have some great news... today's Peanut Butter Lover's Day! I guess I'm going to have lot of people with me, enjoying a snack of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The feel of crunchy peanuts on top of bread is too good to be true and if U have a banana along with too, then you can join Elvis...'coz his favorite sandwich was peanut butter and banana!

Some 'nutty' trivia that I found out about:
  • The peanut is not a nut, but a legume related to beans and lentils.
  • Peanuts are naturally cholesterol-free.
  • Peanut butter goes back to many countries and times Dating back over 100,000 years ago, a fossilized peanut was discovered in the Republic of China .
  • According to the Corn Products Company, Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis patented a peanut butter-making machine in 1903 and some unknown doctor invented peanut butter in 1890.
  • It takes about 550 peanuts to make a 12 ounce jar of creamy peanut butter.
  • Georgia is the #1 peanut producing state, but did you know that Texas is #2.
Did you also know that peanut butter is so famous that we have ecards on them. Check this out and few more links that I found!

Fun Facts About Peanut : - A lot of information about peanuts and peanut butter.
Peanut : - Peanuts all the way!
Who Invented Peanut Butter : - The name says it all!
Uniquely American : - What's your choice... smooth or chunky?
America's Passion ... Peanut Butter! -

posted by Casey Galatos at Monday, November 06, 2006 | Permalink |

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